In this clip from the spin-off film of the Madagascar series, Dave (voiced by John Malkovich)hacks into the North Wind
headquarters just as Skipper (Tom McGrath) shows Classified(Benedict Cumberbatch) that he has the Medusa serum.
Comencemos comprobando tu comprensión general del vídeo. Puedes volver a reproducirlo en cualquier momento. Que no te parezca que tienes que entender todas y cada una de las palabras: lo que cuenta es la idea general de lo que pasa en el vídeo.- At the beginning of this scene, why does the wolf character seem surprised?
- What is the problem when Dave calls the headquarters?
- What does Dave tell the group?
- What is the technical problem at the end ofthe clip?
Ha llegado el momento de poner a prueba tu habilidad para escuchar. Elige la palabra correcta de entre las tres opciones que suenan parecido y completa los huecos de la transcripción.
- Classified: What you of course is that DoctorBrian's laboratory in Venice is secretly developing a Doomsdayweapon called "The Medusa serum."
- Skipper: Ahhh,.. but what you don't know is that Dirk...
- Kowalski: Dave!
- Skipper: ... Dave ... won't be using his bazooka serum
- Kowalski: Medusa serum.
- Skipper: ...Medusa serum _______.
- Kowalski: That part is accurate.
- Skipper: Show him, Rico.
- Classified: You... you stole the Medusa serum?
- Skipper: Well, stole the serum, _______, did your job for
- you... call it .
- Kowalski: Dave!
- Skipper: Dave!
- Short Fuse: He hacked into our system!
- Eva: Where's the sound?
- Kowalski: Da... Dave! Your microphone, it's not on!
- Classified: Click on the button with the picture of the
- microphone!
- Corporal: Every time a villain calls in, this happens!
- Dave: Hello? Hello?
- Kowalski: Now we can hear you, but every... we cannot see you...
- Corporal: Every time!
- Classified: That's like talking to my parents.
- Corporal: This always happens...
- Dave: ?
- Everyone: Hooray! Yes! Yeah!
- Excellent! Now, where was I...
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... - Skipper: Dave!
- Dave: Greetings, North Wind! I see you've met my old zoo-mates.
- Skipper: We were never "mates." There was no mating.
- Classified: Turn yourself in, "David." You're powerless now that I've stolen your precious Medusa serum.
- Skipper: What? You? You didn't steal that!
- Classified: It's over.
- Dave: It's over? Then... why did I call you?
... weird....
Oh, maybe it was to show you this! - Kowalski: That is a lot of serum for four penguins.
- Dave: Oh! You thought this was just about you four? No, no no nono no! We're just getting started!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go do some shopping! For - revenge!
- Dave: Wait... how do you...what do I push?
Is it the red? Or...I thought it's not this...
- Ahora profundicemos un poco más con un par de preguntas para comprobar tu habilidad para extraer los detalles de la información.
How did Dave get into the North Windcomputer system?
Ha llegado el momento de utilizar las palabras y expresiones clave del Vocabulario Rápido para completar el párrafo. Tendrás que entender de verdad su significado para hacerlo bien.
Vamos a entrenar tus reflejos en inglés prestando atención a la manera concreta en que se utiliza un elemento del idioma en el vídeo.
- The sun always sets in the west.
- We have pancakes for breakfast every Sunday.
- Today the 4:40 train from Glasgow arrives 15 minuteslate.
- Alfred always brings his dog a big bone from thebutcher's.
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