In this tense scene from the Marvel superhero movie, Spiderman (Andrew Garfield) tries to calmdown Electro (Jamie Foxx), a confused but dangerous being with electrical powers.
Comencemos comprobando tu comprensión general del vídeo. Puedes volver a reproducirlo en cualquier momento. Que no te parezca que tienes que entender todas y cada una de las palabras: lo que cuenta es la idea general de lo que pasa en el vídeo.
1- What is Spider-Man trying to do in this clip?
2 - How is the man full of electricity feeling?
3- Why does Spider-Man tell the police not toshoot?
4- Why does the police sniper fire his gun?
Ha llegado el momento de poner a prueba tu habilidad para escuchar. Elige la palabra correcta de entre las tres opciones que suenan parecido y completa los huecos de la transcripción.
- Spider-Man: I can see that, I... I believe you.
- Electro: ... strange... power, but I got so much of it.
I got so _______. - Spider-Man: I can see that. I can see you don't want to _______, I can see you're scared. I can see you don't knowwhat's happening to you. I can see that you don't want tohurt anybody.
It's gonna _______. - Police sniper: I got a clear shot... standing by.
- Electro: I don't want them shooting me.
- Spider-Man: They're not going to shoot you.
You guys! This is my buddy Max. I told you about Max. QUIZ CHALLENGE
1- What did Electro want in coming to TimesSquare?
2- What is the actual name of the man full ofelectricity?
scared going on clear shot hurt buddy anger standing by
"What's ?" I asked. "There is a man who has ahostage, a little boy, who is of course very "said a policeman. "We have a sniper , just waiting until he has a so that the boy doesnot risk being ."
Vamos a entrenar tus reflejos en inglés prestando atención a la manera concreta en que se utiliza un elemento del idioma en el vídeo.
Are these sentences correct or incorrect? Correct the wrong one.
It's already 8pm, but Jake is still working in his office.
I've been baking all morning, and the cake is nearlyready.
In 1974 I studying history at Oxford.
We have been discussing this for some time now.
- Voice: How are they?
- Electro: I don't know what's going on with me.
- Spider-Man: I can see that, I... I believe you.
- Electro: ... strange... power, but I got so much of it.
I got so much anger. - Spider-Man: I can see that. I can see you don't want tobe here, I can see you're scared. I can see you don'tknow what's happening to you. I can see that you don'twant to hurt anybody.
It's gonna be alright. - Police sniper: I got a clear shot... standing by.
- Electro: I don't want them shooting me.
- Spider-Man: They're not going to shoot you.
You guys! This is my buddy Max. I told you about Max.No one shoots at Max!
You and me, OK? It's just you and me talking... - Spider-Man: Woah! Stay right there. Stay right there.Just be careful... the grate.. it's the electricity.. just...
- Electro: I just... I just wanted everyone to see me.
- Police commander: He makes a move, you take thatshot.
- Spider-Man: How about you come with me, we'll gosomewhere, we'll talk. Away from all these people,OK?
- Electro: Yeah... yes.
- Spider-Man: No! Stop!
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